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Pinhook Road Overlay


In Progress




Construction Start
Construction Complete

Public Works Project Number: 1900

Project Length (miles): 1.2

Parish District: 4, 5

Construction Estimate: $2,300,000.00

Project Cost: $2,500,000.00

Project Type: Traffic, Roads & Bridges

Designer: In-House



The Pinhook Road Overlay project is a road rehabilitation project that aims to improve the condition and functionality of Pinhook Road from S. College Rd. to E. University Ave. One of the primary components of the project is the improvement of the drainage system along the roadway. The existing storm drain system is in poor condition and no longer functioning efficiently. The existing catch basins and manholes will be removed, and new catch basins and manholes will be installed at strategic locations to improve the flow of stormwater runoff, prevent flooding, and reduce erosion. In addition to the new catch basins and manholes, trench drains will be added to improve drainage along the road. Trench drains are important for efficiently capturing and conveying stormwater runoff. The trench drains will be installed at appropriate locations along the roadway to ensure maximum effectiveness. The project will also include drainage improvements such as the installation of pipes and culverts to channel water away from the roadway. The team will work to minimize disruptions to the community during the construction process by scheduling work during off-peak hours and minimizing lane closures. 



The graphic below provides a conceptual view of the proposed improvements that will be considered for the project.



To address the drainage concerns, the construction team will be removing the existing catch basins and manholes that are in poor condition and replacing them with new ones. This will help to ensure efficient drainage of stormwater runoff and prevent flooding along the road. Furthermore, the project will also replace the existing pipes and install new trench drains to further improve the drainage system along the road. The trench drains will be designed to effectively capture and convey stormwater runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion. 

To address the green infrastructure concerns, the team will work to incorporate sustainable design practices into the project. For instance, the construction team may consider adding vegetated swales or bio-retention areas to help filter and manage stormwater runoff, promoting healthier soil, and reducing the heat island effect. 



Considerations have been identified and must be reviewed and potentially addressed. Upon research, very minimal impact to the environment will be done with this project. 

*Note that this is not exhaustive of possible future environmental considerations.  



A preliminary assessment of the project area is provided for the utilities listed below. Potential utility relocation costs will be included in the project budget if the infrastructure is located within the utility’s own servitude. 



The current project under consideration does not require any right-of-way acquisition.  

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